This is the story of Enid Collins, the famed handbag designer of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. The setting is Spring Valley Ranch, the 400 acres of rugged but beautiful land that she and husband Frederic Collins bought sight unseen in order to pursue a dream of ranching — a dream that wasn’t to be. Instead, out of their need to survive, they did what they knew how to do, they made things.
In many ways, their remote and rugged lives were far from ours today. In other ways, they were not that different. They succeeded, they struggled, they lived. We begin as spectators watching from a distance but through this story we are beckoned closer — to see what they saw and, indeed, read their journaled thoughts.
Through this human story you are invited to examine your own life, to question. You are invited to a place of deeper meaning and purpose.